Rumor has it that the equity actors who have been providing entertainment for guests in line for Phineas and Ferb’s Play and Greet will be eliminated this fall. This will effectively eliminate the Play portion, reducing it to just a Meet. However, this isn’t another case of mere cost reductions, like those striking Animal Kingdom in recent months, it is an opportunity to introduce the most commonly requested character in Disney Parks – Agent P!
Many park guests will be excited, if this rumor comes to fruition in coming weeks, and will have the opportunity to hug a duck-billed platypus for the first time. Well, except for our Aussie friends. (Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oy, oy, oy). Let’s just hope this rumor doesn’t lay an egg!
(Source Drew81 wdwmagic)
Doesn’t look like this rumor had any wings to it!
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Sunday 3rd of February 2013
Kenny, any updated news on Agent P?
Thursday 2nd of August 2012
I love Perry! I need to meet him.
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