I had a number of blog readers request some information on the Wreck-it Ralph and Vanellope meet at Hollywood Studios. I actually waited in the line twice during my recent trip and dropped in to see how the line was looking a few times. The queue area is designed to look like Game Central Station with video screens that represent Wreck-it Ralph, Hero’s Duty and a broken Galaga game that we are peering through back into the real world. It’s well designed to remind one of the movie, but I think they missed the mark by not putting in any actual video games. We found one Fix-it Felix video game in another room, but it was a non-working version.

The Fix-it Felix video screen is the first one you come to on your left. Each of these video screens just play a loop that represents its game.

Occasionally the little 8 bit characters from the game make an appearance, but it’s nothing more than a short distraction.

It wouldn’t be Game Central Station without an arrivals and departures board. If you know a good deal about classic video games, you might catch a few jokes.

The last video screen you view is located on the backside of the wall where Ralph and Vanellope meet. It’s the home stretch. You’re inside the Galaga game, which was one of my favorite’s as a kid, peering in the the arcade.

From this point it was a 6 minute wait, but we didn’t have to wait for Ralph and Vanellope to rotate. If you have to wait on a rotation, it may take 3 to 5 minutes longer. I would estimate each row taking about about 10 minutes. If one row is full 7-10 minute wait. If two rows are full it will be a 10-25 minute wait. If all three rows are full it will be a 20-35 minute wait.

Ralph and Vanellope are happy to see you, but they WON’T sign your autograph book. The Cast Member gives each guest a little photopass card that was “pre-signed” for you. The backdrop is very bright and colorful and makes a good photo when Ralph and Vanellope rotate or are on break.

Let’s look carefully at Ralph’s arms and legs. Ralph can barely even move. He isn’t as huggable as Duffy or Lotso or Pooh because he can’t move his arms very well. Have your kids be careful around him as he could accidentally trip. It’s pretty funny watching Ralph walk in and out during rotations. It’s my opinion that Ralph will be a short-term meet due to those issues. One Cast Member hinted that Sophia the First may take his place, but that is unknown at this time.

My first meet was only me because I was awaiting my daughter’s orchestra group’s arrival later in the day. I began taking queue photos at 12:26 on Monday 12/17/2012 and took their photo at 12:31. A total 5 minute wait! It would have been shorter, but they went for a quick bite of oreos or an ice cream sundae or something like that.

The orchestra group arrived even later than expected, so we decided to save meeting Ralph and Vanellope together for our last full day. We went back on Saturday, December 22. The park was much busier that day with all the tourists arriving for Christmas vacation. So how long did we wait? 9 minutes. Yup, the entire wait was 9 minutes. Mickey’s line was packed, but these guys weren’t getting the same love. We entered at 1:12 and took this photo at 1:21.
I told Vanellope that my daughter sometimes wakes up with candy in her hair too and Vanellope though that was funny. Ralph sort of attempted to pick at her hair, but it looked more like he was playing “Sockem boppers.”

Vanellope is a lot of fun with which to interact, but my daughter said Ralph was just sort of awkward and clumsy. Maybe that’s why the guy is always wrecking everything??? Vanellope demonstrated her strength in this photo.
It’s a cute photo op and Vanellope can be fun. They missed a good opportunity by not placing video games in the queue or even the general area. I never saw a long line in my times in the building, hopefully it will be the same for you!
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Friday 21st of August 2015
Can you still meet wreck-it-ralph anywhere in wdw?
Sunday 23rd of August 2015
No, can't meet them anywhere. Current schedules are always located at www.characterlocator.com
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