Those of us growing up in the 90’s may remember the fun of getting out of school on Friday and chanting T.G.I.F.! All of the kids on my street were so excited for the Friday night line-up on ABC. I remember getting the VHS tape ready to record all of the great classics of Full House, Just the Ten of Us, and of course Dinosaurs. Hopefully, soon kids of the 90’s may be enjoying this show with their own families on Disney+.

The show Dinosaurs was created by Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets. Unfortunately, Henson passed away before the show aired, but his creative influence and comedic flair are definitely seen in this family friendly comedy.
This comedic sitcom was produced by Micheal Jacobs Production, Jim Henson Television, in association with Disney with Walt Disney Television.
In case you didn’t grow up in the 90’s, the premise for the show is that the Dinosaur family is living in the modern age and they live with all of the modern conveniences. The comedic twist is that the Dinosaur family is living in the modern age, while the only humans are the cavemen who are considered pets and wild animals.
Many fans may remember the line “Not the Mama!” spoken by the baby Dinosaur whenever anyone besides the Mama tried to take care of him. Disney fans have requested that this comedy be added to Disney+ and they may soon have this wish granted.
Rumor Has It

Disney+ has not officially announced that Dinosaurs will be joining the Disney+ line-up in the fall, but we have a good indicator that it may be streaming soon.
Ryan Reynolds may have accidentally let the dinosaur out of the bag during a recent airing of the ABC game show “Don’t.” Reynolds serves as the announcer and producer of the game show, and made mention that this 90’s classic show would be joining the Disney+ line-up.

Once this “Don’t” episode was streaming on ABC’s website, the joke of Dinosaur streaming on Disney+ had been removed.
We will keep our Pirate Crew updated with future news including the official statement that Dinosaurs will be streaming on Disney+ and the scheduled release date.

Do you remember watching Dinosaurs when you were younger? What was your favorite part of the show? Will you be checking this out when it arrives on Disney+? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page.
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