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runDisney Virtual Series: complete!

Now that summer has pretty much come and gone, many of us who signed up for the runDisney summer race series are finishing up races!
Now that medals have begun shipping out, there are some runners out there who prefer to do the races AFTER they receive their prizes! I did not know this before, and I found this interesting.

The great thing about runDisney virtual races is there aren’t a ton of rules. Proof of time is not required – just go out there and have fun!
I completed the first two races in May and June and just needed to do complete one more race in order to complete the challenge. Unfortunately, I am still dealing with my back injury and have not ran in two months.

The great thing about using an app to track all running sessions is I was able to look back through all my previous runs and found a 5k I had completed but was not considering for my virtual series because my time was not that great.
So, with that said, I am using that run that was completed in May for the third and final race in the summer series!

I completed a 5k in 38:49, which was my worst time of the three races. However, I am still really proud of it because I did it. And sometimes just completing something is all that matters!

I also had to get the obligatory photo of me with all my medals. These are my first race medals, and I love the quality! They are much bigger than I was anticipating, and I just love the theme of each one.
Tracking Runs
I just mentioned above I use an app to track all my runs. I use the adidas running app although there are countless apps out there you can use.
The feature I love most is the ability to see all of my progress by looking at my logged activities.

You will see every activity you complete, organized by month. It shows how many activities as well as miles you completed that month.
Once you click on the activity, a ton of information is included in the report. The date, time, and map of the run is logged.
Your distance, time, and burned calories are next. Under that information, it shows you your average pace, average speed, and average steps.

Then you can see your best speed and steps per minute.
There are some running plans in the app like learning the basics, a plan to help you slim down for summer, a long term weight loss running plan, and training plans for a 5k, 10k, half or full marathon.
These plans do cost money though, which is why I use the runDisney training plan instead.

Overall, I think running apps are essential for training for any type of race or just maintaining your fitness goals!
Back Injury Update

I am very hopeful I will be able to run again soon. My physical therapist seems to think with the right exercises and stretching, my disc will move back into position in the coming weeks.
As long as I can begin training for the Princess half marathon in October, I will be satisfied. I don’t want to start too late because I really need to give myself time to start slow and work my way back up.

Originally I wanted to complete the race in 2.5 hours. Now I would just like to complete it. I have always said I wanted to have a good enough pace to be able to meet some characters on the course and still beat the balloon ladies.
I was averaging a 11:30 mile before my injury, which put me at a 2.5 hour half marathon. I definitely will not be pushing myself as hard as I was before so I can minimize my risk of injuring myself again.

Looking at the chart from runDisney, a 14 minute mile puts me right at 3 hours. If and when I can begin running again, I will aim for a 14 minute mile but as long as I can complete it I will be completely satisfied with whatever time I finish with!
Did you complete the runDisney summer race series this year? I would love to see a photo of you and your medals! Please share them with me on Kenny the Pirate’s Facebook page! You can also join our friendly KtP Facebook crew and share photos there with our members!
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