Disney World has updated its mask requirements for attractions and queues. See the full policy below and weigh in with your thoughts.
Mask Policy

Face coverings have been optional in outdoor areas since mid-May. In June, they became optional in all areas of the park. However, due to rising cases they reinstated the indoor mask policy in late July.
Since late July, all Guests have been required to wear masks indoors (including shops and restaurants), while on attractions, and in the official queue for those attractions.

There has been some confusion about what part of the queue Guests need to wear their masks. To clarify, they are required upon entering the official entrance of the attraction queue. Think about where the FastPass entrance is and where the wait times signs are located.
However, that is all changing once again.
New Policy

Disney World has changed its face covering policy to include outdoor attractions and queues as now optional.
Beginning Thursday, August 19 (that’s tomorrow!), face masks are optional for vaccinated Guests in outdoor attractions, outdoor queues, and outdoor theaters.
Beginning Thursday, August 19 (that’s tomorrow!), face masks are optional for Guests in outdoor attractions, outdoor queues, and outdoor theaters.

They will still be required for indoor attractions and their queues. If a queue begins outside and moves inside, face coverings are required upon entering inside.
Masks are still optional in outdoor common areas. There are no changes to outdoor common areas or indoor locations like shops and restaurants. You will still need to wear a mask when heading inside.

Face coverings are still required on transportation like the monorail and Skyliner due to a recent extension of the federal mask mandate. You will still be expected to wear your face covering in various parts of the theme parks and resorts so do not leave home without them!
What do you think of the new policy? Too confusing? Too much? Too little? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook.
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Friday 20th of August 2021
I love all of these people commenting about how scared they are of getting COVID - while going to one of the most crowded places on planet earth. Just a thought, but if you are that much of a COVID alarmist, then perhaps you should put off the Disney vacation for a few years - I'm thinking probably until after November 2024 the way things are going. But to witness all the hand wringing and complaining about how people went to Disney World and got COVID is a bit much. COVID isn't going anywhere. We're all going to have to find a way to deal with it and function in a world where it exists, much like the flu and the common cold. Vaccination is the best way to do that. Masks make scared and weak minded people feel like they're doing something.
Thursday 19th of August 2021
My sister in law, her children 5 girls and 8 grandchildren came back two weeks ago, All vaccinated every single one with covid!!!!!! just the 5yr old had no symptoms She called Disney and spoke to the supervisor on what happened, they stated they will alert staff. They never called back to find out and more information. Disney has to much invested to shut down the park. So while your having fun, you will bring back more then Souvenirs
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