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Disney World Welcomes 4 Adorable New Babies

Disney World Welcomes 4 Adorable New Babies

This happy Disney news will have you swear you are seeing quadruple! That is because 4 special babies have been born in Walt Disney World!

Disney Babies

New Baby Zebra
Credit: Disney

Everyone loves hearing about Disney’s baby animals! Disney has welcomed more than 300 little lives including rare twin and triplet cotton top tamarinszebrasriver hogsan addax, and so many more!

Disney’s conservation efforts have brought numerous baby animals from an array of endangered and threatened species into the world. These births are part of an initiative called the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan.

And now the good news keeps on coming. Disney has welcomed 4 special new babies!

A Quartet of Baby Zebras

picture of Baby Hartman's Zebra
Credit Disney

Walt Disney World has welcomed four new baby Hartmann’s mountain zebras into the world. Surely this is the best quartet since the Dapper Dans!

Two of these babies, Penne and Cada, were born a few weeks ago. You can read about them HERE and HERE.

And now two more zebra foals have joined them! An unnamed baby boy zebra was born on July 16 to mom Aziza, mother of Dot, who you may remember being born last year. And, First-time mom Asha had her motherhood wish granted when she gave birth to another baby boy zebra!

Meet the Babies

A New Baby Has Arrived at Disney
Credit: Kate

Before long, these two zebra mother-and-son duos will be greeting guests. You will eventually find Juno, Cada and Aziza and her baby roaming the Harambe Reserve. You might just spot them when you enjoy Kilimanjaro Safaris!

For now, you can spot Heidi and baby Penne on the savanna at Animal Kingdom Lodge. And to make things even sweeter, lucky guests will spy three generations of zebras since new mom Asha is Heidi’s daughter, and her new foal is Heidi’s grandbaby.

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