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Disney Releases Statement Regarding Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Disney Releases Statement Regarding Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Josh D’Amaro, Disney Experiences Chairman, just released a statement regarding a wrongful death lawsuit. Find out the details and what he had to say.

Raglan Road

raglan road
Photo Credit:

In October 2023, a Guest visited Raglan Road in Disney Springs. This Guest had severe food allergies and sadly had a catastrophic reaction.

Her husband has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Disney World. You can read more about the lawsuit HERE.

Updated Allergy Statement

Credit: Kate

Disney World has both Disney-owned and third-party restaurants. Disney does not own Raglan Road.

In March 2024, Raglan Road updated its allergy statement. You can see the updated allergy statement in the photo below.

raglan road allergy statement
Photo Credit:

With this updated statement, they are making sure it is known they are not an allergen-free restaurant. They also inform the Guests that it is ultimately their decision to dine here.

The best thing you can do is to educate yourself on restaurants’ allergy menus and if they can safely accommodate your allergy. When dining at Disney World you can always request to speak to the chef when placing your allergy-friendly order.

Statement from D’Amaro

Josh D'Amaro reflects on the past and looks to the future of Disney Parks
Credit: Disney

Josh D’Amaro stated that Disney will waive its right to arbitration, which will allow it to proceed in court. Below is the full statement:

-Josh D’Amaro, Chairman, Disney Experiences

The husband of the victim had signed up for Disney+ streaming service years prior and Disney’s website to buy tickets to EPCOT entered him into a contract. This contract has users agree to arbitration when signing up for this service, which means they cannot proceed in court against Disney. These arbitration clauses are favorable for the defendant.

Disney had originally asked the case to move to arbitration (no jury present or not continue). Because Disney has now waived their right to arbitration, the case can proceed to court.


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Tuesday 20th of August 2024

Josh did the right thing. I am surprised it took all the public outcry to make Disney change their position. Disney should not have relied on the Disney+ arbitration clause from the beginning, given the facts of this situation. I hope a settlement is reached quickly for the benefit of this family.

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