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Watch Disney’s New Tiger Cub Go for a Swim

Watch Disney’s New Tiger Cub Go for a Swim

If you need a little joy in your life, look no further. You can enjoy a video of a baby tiger swimming for a particular adorable dose of cuteness.

Baby Tiger Alert

How to See Disney's New Baby Tiger Live from Home
Credit: Disney

In case you missed it, Walt Disney World welcomed a bouncing baby bundle of stripes into the world! The birth of a Sumatran tiger cub is a rare event indeed! You can see the initial announcement right HERE.

Initially, fans were able to watch baby Bakso on Tiger Tuesdays! You can find out how to view recordings HERE. 

But, now the baby tiger has made his public debut. Disney fans have started lining up to see him!

Watch Baby Bakso

Now you can Meet Disney World’s New Tiger Cub
Credit: Disney

Fortunately, you do not have to stand in line to witness some of the baby tiger’s cutest moments. Disney has caught so many fun moments featuring Bakso and his mom on both camera and film.

In fact, Disney dropped an adorable video of the baby exploring his habitat and taking a swim! You can see it right here:

Tell me that isn’t the cutest thing you have seen today.

How to See the Baby Tiger in Person

Credit: Disney

If you want a chance to see Bakso, the new baby tiger and mom Sohni, you might just get lucky enough to catch a glimpse! Simply head to the Maharajah Jungle Trek in Asia in Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

But, if you want to see the tiger, you need to get there EARLY for now. Waits have been as long as 2 hours to access the trails. Also, the baby does not stay outside all day. He has only been out for a few hours at a time while he adjusts to life in his new home.

If you are lucky, Mom and baby will be up and about enjoying the habitat. Or, they might be catching a nap, but don’t worry, Cast Members are usually nearby to point out where you can spot a set of stripes!

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