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New #DisneyCastLife Video Provides Updates on Disney Parks Around the World

Disney Parks Blog just released a new episode of their #DisneyCastLife series and it is so cool! You’ll see stories highlighting cast members from Disney Parks around the globe making magic for guests and providing updates on some of the newly opened parks.

This episode of the #DisneyCastLife features updates from Disney Ambassadors Stephen and Giona regarding the recent reopening of the Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris resorts.

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You’ll also see Walt Disney World Cast Member Katelyn, who is a tour guide on Kilimanjaro Safari at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, talk about her inspiration for her “work from home” safari video that went viral during quarantine.

I watched her video that was featured on the Disney Parks Blog and it is so adorable! Four days into quarantine and she was more than a little home sick for Disney and her beloved animals, so she pulled out her Disney plushes and arranged them in the exact order you see them on the safari.

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She drives a little remote control safari truck around the plush animals, while reciting numerous facts about each animal just as you would hear on the safari ride. Some of the facts she told were new ones that I haven’t heard from a safari tour guide before. I found it really interesting!

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Of course, at the very end she didn’t forget to say that Goodbyes are far too sad, so instead she left us with a heartfelt Qua harini!

Watch Katelyn’s safari video below:

The episode also took us over to the Circle D Ranch at the Disneyland Resort where cast members talk about how much they love caring and training the Disneyland horses.

It’s heart warming to see they are still being well cared for during the park closures and that their training is still progressing.

To wrap everything up, we get to see a special 65th anniversary message from Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock. He sends his warm wishes and appreciation to all the cast members out there working behind the scenes and on stage at the Disneyland Resort and hopes everyone is staying safe during the closure.

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I love that Disney Cast Members have continuously tried to keep the magic alive even during these difficult times.

Their energetic spirit and love for their jobs is what makes the Disney Parks so magical!

You can view the video below:

What do you think about the new #DisneyCastLife video? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook!

– Christina

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Wednesday 22nd of July 2020

I can’t imagine walking around WDW in a mask, in temperatures of 100 degrees. If I didn’t have a fever when I went in, I’d surely have one when I left, if I didn’t pass out in the meantime. I’m 68 and I have young grand children. My sons have loved WDW since they were little, but the magic is gone for me and my family now. I pray it returns. Then I’ll consider going back.


Wednesday 22nd of July 2020

Those people in that line are too close and 100.4 is not a good temp to go by. Some people have a fever at 99. I think its too soon for them to be open in a state where Covid is out of control. No matter how safe it appears Im not going right now!

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